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Well, I think there's always some kind of formatting enabled, you can't kill styles.

But - if I understood right you are trying to have some lines (those five items) numbered but after hitting enter you wont to write normally until that second item, right? Then you wont a number again, is that right?

I done it by hitting F11, docking the new window by dragging it to the left, going to Paragraph style (first icon) and right clicking to a Default style then choosing Modify. Next you should go to Indents & Spacing tab and remove tick from Automatic.

Then click OK. Again right click on Default style and now choose New. Name the style, go to Outline & Numbering tab and from Numbering style drop-down menu choose Numbering 1. Go to Organizer tab and for Next style choose Text body.

When you need to number a paragraph you choose newly made style, you write what you wont and when you click enter it will make new paragraph Text body so it will look just like newly defined but without numbers.

When you would like to have numbers again - just double click newly defined style.

That's the way I'm doing it because I like to have paragraphs instead hitting shift + enter. So, all you need is two styles...

A hope I understood right what you are trying to achieve.


On 11/18/2013 03:54 PM, Helen wrote:
Thank you, yes, I have never defined a style and felt discouraged to read
that I can't just turn
that feature off --  I don't know how to define a style that has no
automatic formatting.

On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 9:35 AM, Kracked_P_P---webmaster <> wrote:

On 11/18/2013 09:13 AM, Krunoslav Šebetić wrote:

On 11/18/2013 03:02 PM, Helen wrote:

L) frustration -- trying to write a letter for the national office of an
organization.   I have five items that I want to number.  LO insists upon
giving me a number I don't want every time I hit "return" and it also
insists upon indent in places I don't want.   I backspace to remove the
indent and it then won't let me have a return-line space.   How can I
off all automatic  formatting?

  Define two styles - one with numeration, other without. Make both look
the same, except one has numeration, other don't. When you wont numbers -
apply that style, when you don't apply that other style. You can make that
style without numbers stars automatically after numbered on pressing return.


Maybe you should walk this poster through "design a style".

I have been using LO since "day one" but never designed a style and really
never looked into it.

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