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Using the RTF as provided in Robert's e-mail, Wordpad displays everything 
through the "Total amount due" row and that is the end.  The additional RTF 
after that row is has no effect.

In Microsoft Word 2010, the document displays completely, all the way down to 
the Registered in England line with VAT number placeholder at the bottom of 
the page.

Libre Office 3.3.2 also opens the RTF document perfectly, except that one line 
at the bottom of the page rolls off onto a separate sheet.  The layout is not 
quite so faithful as the Word 2010 appears to be.

I saved the Word version as an ODF Text (.odt) document and it is all there. 
I had to delete two rows of blank lines to get the bottom matter back onto the 
single sheet (perhaps because of default paper-size differences on my US 

I can make the ODT available to Robert if that satisfies his short-term 
requirement.  It doesn't explain why WordPad 6.1 SP1 stumbles.

PS: Wordpad also opens the ODT just fine.  There is a warning about not all 
features being preserved.  The only obvious difference is that the table in 
the middle of the page now has visible borders and cell separators.  I also 
notice some places where there is no space between words.  The line 
justification and centerings seem to be perfect.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jay Lozier []
Sent: Sunday, November 06, 2011 17:18
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] LO 3.4.3 Writer cannot handle RTF document


On 11/06/2011 05:32 PM, prino wrote:
System: Windows XP SP3 (+everything after it)
LO: LibreOffice 3.4.3
OOO340m1 (Build:302)

Recently my PC died (and with it the "freebie" version of Word 2002
(10.2627.2625)) and I having never had any problems with XLS  files and LO
Calc, I expected LO Writer to have little trouble with he following very
simple Word .RTF document.

How wrong can one be...

I would appreciate it if someone could have a look at to why this document
doesn't display the way it should be displayed.
Can you open the file in WordPad? I am wondering if the file itself is
corrupted. The rtf format normally is well behaved and opens properly in
a variety of programs.
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[ ... ]
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