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On 10/18/2011 02:44 PM, Don C. Myers wrote:
I've been enjoying it. With respect to the LibreOffice/Base issue, I did 
one clean install of the 64 bit Ubuntu 11.10, and three upgrades from 
11.04. On the clean install, Sun (Oracle) Java is not installed nor is 
it available in the repository nor is it available from a partner. If 
you really have to have it it can be installed if you look hard. What I 
read said Ubuntu felt that the Open JDK had progressed far enough and 
was secure, and that it would take care of almost anybody's needs. I 
just left things the way the default install did it and didn't install 
Sun Java. I uninstalled the packaged LibreOffice that came with Ubuntu, 
and then installed the 3.4.3 that is directly from LibreOffice. I then 
tried Base. It was TERRIBLY slow. I checked what it said the Java was, 
and it said it was Sun Microsystems, Inc. Version 1.6.0_23. With a clean 
install, where did it come from??? Maybe it read the OpenJDK as being 
1.6.0_23 as being the Sun Version. I don't know. So the I installed 
1.6.0_21 and Base was very happy again!!!!!!! In Synaptic there is no 
evidence that Sun Java 1.6.0_23 is installed, nor does 1.6.0_21 show up 
the way we are installing it. Could it have been shipped with Base?
If you would have /read/ what it said, you would have seen that it was
*openJDK* version 1.6.0_23 (which of course is the Sun/Oracle package) -
bottom of the Java options panel:

Note: You might want to install the full LO as the initial install
misses quite a few components (same as the (U)OOo did:

$ sudo apt-get install libreoffice

That will pull in additional packages such as libhsqldb-java,
libreoffice-java-common etc.

Regarding sun-java6-jre: it's not included due to Oracle's recent
licensing changes.

So any further bug reports regarding Ubuntu/linux from 11.10 onward will
have to deal with openJDK instead as I doubt that Ubuntu will accept any
further bug reports regarding sun-java6.

You can file a bug report against openjdk here:
and libreoffice (with ref to openjdk) here:
if something is broken in your distro version. The Ubuntu LO maintainers
can then 'upstream' the bugs if necessary.

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