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On 2011-09-08, Tom Davies wrote:

On 09/08/2011 04:29 AM, Don Myers wrote:
I live in the US. I do a lot of work e-mails in my job, and receive a
lot of work e-mails. I never receive any e-mails where people reply to
me at the bottom.

Because people you talk with read bottum-up.
And it's not a country custom, just a matter of education and logic.

-- RMA.

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Tom, even if you top post, please trim your messages. I doubt the
mailing list signature with the unsubscribe instructions classifies as

(signature quoted, as it should be when the current message happens to
discuss a previous signature)

Often you already know roughly what is going on and only need to read the latest 

I don't think that's a good point, it works both ways, either you "just
scroll" down to read the latest post, or you "just scroll" down to read
the context.

 Sometimes people might need quick easy access to previous comments and a 
quick scroll downwards can help them gain context if they can't quite remember 
some detail.  

But what happens if people top-post ten consecutive messages, and then
someone tries to get some context? 

We hope all these posters have trimmed their citations and that they
used clients that don't mess the citations, but it's still somehow
painful, because it's not a matter of reading bottom-up, it's a matter
of reading top-down several sentences in bottom-up order.

A bottle of water and either acetylsalicylic acid or paracetamol are

This list should allow people to use what they are familiar with rather than try 
to alienate new users surely?

The problem is that in this case personal choices affects the way other
people use the list.

I guess we want to keep disruption at a minimum, so please, no matter
what kind of posting you want to use, trim citations and adjust all
citations so that they follow your style.

I mean, if you're top-posting, make sure what you're quoting is ordered
that way. IMHO it's less confusing.

 It's a little unwelcoming to say that all new 
users are lazy slobs and even worse to hide answers away where they wont find 
them imo.

Nuno J. Silva (aka njsg)

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