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On 9/8/11 7:33 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Often you already know roughly what is going on and only need to read the latest

If you're following only one thread/subthread in the messages, and have been able to keep up. :-D But I follow a lot of things, in a lot of places, and I often have to go back to older messages, even if trimming is being used, to refresh my memory. (What's left of the memory! LOL)

Sometimes people might need quick easy access to previous comments and a
quick scroll downwards can help them gain context if they can't quite remember
some detail.

Quick scrolling?????  What's that?????  LOL

Seriously, though, if interspersion is used, you don't have to scroll anywhere.

This list should allow people to use what they are familiar with rather than try
to alienate new users surely?

Absolutely not! If a person is alienated by being asked to follow the rules, then that person doesn't belong, or "play well with the other kids". :-) Using that philosophy, if driving my car backwards down the street is what I'm familiar with, should I be able to do that when I come visit you? Should I be allowed to drive backwards on the other side of the road?

A newsgroup is a community, and for any community to function efficiently, rules need to be established, followed, and enforced.

It's a little unwelcoming to say that all new
users are lazy slobs and even worse to hide answers away where they wont find
them imo.

Following the rules does not hide the answers. In fact, it's just the opposite, IMO. If you follow, and enforce, the rules, and you know the rules, you know where to find the answers.

All civilizations, cultures, communities that are/were successful had rules that were followed. Anarchy, everyone doing what they wanted, has never been successful AFAIK.

LO's website, though, is another story!   :-D


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