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On 2011-09-08, Tanstaafl wrote:

On 2011-09-07 9:29 PM, Don Myers <> wrote:
I live in the US. I do a lot of work e-mails in my job, and receive a
lot of work e-mails. I never receive any e-mails where people reply
to me at the bottom. The reply is always at the top.

That is *only* because Microsoft decided to make blindly top-posting
(and quoting the *entire* previous *email*, rather than encouraging
users to actually *think* about what they are replying to and respond

It all started spreading even faster when the bussiness world started
using e-mail tools that weren't designed for e-mail or that were made
after September 1993.

Then some people started adopting that behavior, because they probably
thought "if they're using it this way, that's how I should use it".

And nowadays it's not just help centers and bussinesses, it's other
people too.

If you do office work (like Tom), or interact with bussiness people a
lot, then you'll probably see lots of people top-posting.

I never understood why Thunderbird had the default to reply at the
bottom when Thunderbird came out.

Now you know.

Because Thunderbird has cultural inheritance that dates from August 1993
or earlier.

It was backwards!!!!!!

No, it is correct - it is only 'backwards' for those weaned on

Hmm, I've been reading books by increasing order of page number. I guess
I've been doing it backwards all my life.

Nuno J. Silva (aka njsg)

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