Paulo de Souza Lima wrote on 2011-08-22 13:13:
That's what I am trying to explain in Brazilian discussion@ list.
thanks for driving the discussion there!
+1. In fact, this task could be performed by anyone available when needed,
not a specific person.
In theory, yes, but I would really like to prefer other official
contacts for that role. It ensures that the gateways do their important
work properly, and that they are connected to the global marketing.
However, of course, this shouldn't exclude others from acting as a
gateway - it would just be better if they were also marketing contacts.
+100. I fully agree with that !!! Including issues discussed in private
lists, when they become to a consensus, apply them to the public lists for
discussion also.
Yes, that's already in our bylaws. My concern, however, is mainly that
due to language barriers, the global marketing team doesn't get
knowledge about what is going on in other regions, and that contacts
from other regions lose the connection to the international marketing.
Like Drew said, we really need a close discussion and exchange of
information, and that will be possible only in English, and only if all
relevant parties follow the main marketing list.
Florian Effenberger <floeff@documentfoundation.org>
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- Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Building a network of marketeers (continued)
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