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Guys, I've added a bunch of bugs related to the Notebookbar. Not sure if
there will be any focus in polishing it any further to make it available in
6.1 as a feature and not experimentally (it would be an amazing addition
together with Colibre - 6.1 would make a big splash with the Groupedbar
Full + Colibre as default in Windows - hey, a man can dream). --> (this last
one is just an enhancement unrelated with the Notebookbar)

By the way, is the purpose of the Notebookbar to eventually replace the
current UI options? If so, maybe it would be a good idea to replicate the
current Standard Toolbar, Single Toolbar and the Sidebar in the Notebookbar?

Any way, have a good meeting (I can't frequent them - classes at that time
and I know zero about coding).

On Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 2:43 AM, Joe Brazell <> wrote:

That Colibre set is quite nice, and would definitely be an improvement for
Windows users.

One area in which LO has been trailing is meeting the latest design
standards for Windows. The Notebookbar is making good progress and having a
Windows 10-esque icon theme would be another improvement. I use Breeze as
it is the most similar to Windows 10, but Colibre would be an improvement.

I guess I am unfamiliar with how distributing it would work, but I would
assume making it available ASAP even if not in the LO build, but including
it in 6.1 may be a good idea.

*From: *Pedro Rosmaninho <>
*Sent: *Tuesday, March 20, 2018 6:49 PM
*To: *kainz.a <>
*Cc: *V Stuart Foote <>; LibreOffice Design
*Subject: *Re: [libreoffice-design] Re: Agenda for the design meeting
2018 Mar/21

Well, I totally back Kainz.

Even more so when he says he completed plenty of the icon sets and is

providing support.

On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 9:58 PM, kainz.a <> wrote:

*Colibre backport for 6.0 to get a bigger audience*

+1 stuart

backport the zip file for the icon theme would'n be a big deal

but introduce a new default without a previous release could be an issue.

As already written Colibre follow the icon guidelines from MSO

and since yesterday Colibre is complete. So now I'll make design fixes

and when someone find a missing icon, I'll happy to fix it.

*One icon theme for all platforms*

-1 heiko

In general it's a good idea to have a brand or cooperate design,

but we have Breeze for KDE/Plasma, Tango for Gnome,

Elementary for Elementary and Colibre for Windows.

In addition LibreOffice use also the platform style (gnome, kde, windows)

so when you want one icon theme, than you should make also only one

As I wrote I'm not again move icon themes to the extension wepage,

but than LO should also get a unique design and don't fit each platform

as much as possible.

*Galaxy and Tango*

Galaxy is somewhere "hardcoded" into the code (I don't know where)

so I'm not sure if it's possible to remove Galaxy.

Tango is unmaintained and fare away from complete.

I moved the existing tango svg icons to a separate folder so that

the svg files wasn't shipped any more with the file

this reduce the zip file from 8 mb to 1 mb.

*Breeze, Elementary and Colibre*

I updated Elementary icons for 6.0 and now Elementary is finished like

breeze or colibre. I also maintain all three icon themes. And I think I

it well in the last years. All three icon themes are made in inkscape so

all are available in svg and png. And I'll vote for make all three svg

themes available in LibreOffice Online.

*Community Vote*

Last time we vote was a disaster (mascot, sorry). I'm again a community


cause I don't see a benefit Colibre was designed for Windows 10 and it


what if the community say we want to have Elementary default. I would be

again this vote also if you choose breeze. I like both and I think breeze

is the most modern icon theme, but it was designed for plasma not for


I see a benefit if we involve the community to make colibre better

to report bugs, ...

*My vote*

I will vote for no change for remove icon themes from the core repository

and Colibre as default for LibreOffice 6.1

Backport for LO 6.0 would be fine but no default change in LO 6.0

And sorry I can't participate the design meeting tomorrow.


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