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Just chiming in here with a long time users perspective and the effect of changes to font packaging and substitution. Most of my work is multi-page manuals with many illustrations. We all know that substitute fonts are not exact, and when a font is substituted it screws up the layout throughout my manuals. Pages start rolling over or back, illustrations relative to txt changes and a lot of time is taken to set things right. If you have 50 manuals of 50-100 pages this is a lot of work.

For this reason I won't use fonts bundled with Libreoffice, the fonts have changed too many times. Some time ago I was requesting embedding fonts in documents so that there was no problem with substitution, at any time the font used in say one of my manuals was available for editing that document, even when that font was no longer on my system or packaged in LO. I do not know that that is functional now, but certainly my earlier created manuals do not contain their fonts.

One suggestion could be to have an on-line font archive of all the depreciated fonts dropped from packaging. When Libreoffice detects that the document does not contain a packaged font it could prompt the user to install the font from archive if not detected as a system font.

On 2016-10-13 04:43, Yousuf Philips wrote:
On 10/12/2016 06:12 AM, Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:
I think we need 1 mono font.  There are a lot of uses for a mono font
["normal", bold, italic, bold italic]. I have several, including a Unicode
and a "typewriter" version.  Liberation font set has a full set of Mono
fonts/styles, or at least with my font selection.

We presently have 3 mono fonts - DejaVu Mono, Liberation Mono, and Source Code Pro. I've suggested we remove DejaVu, we need the Liberation one for ms compatibility with Courier New, and i'm assuming we added Source Code Pro as a modern looking mono font in 4.0. I've suggested adding the Noto family of fonts which includes a mono font, so we would still have 3 mono fonts if we added the one from Noto.

For some people, for Windows OS, many packages/apps install fonts that
are bundled with the installer.  I know that there are a lot of fonts
installed with the OS install.  For Linux users, I think that the
"ttf-mscorefonts-installer" should be bundled with LO.  That way at
least the Linux version will have access to the same fonts as the
Windows version.

ttf-mscorefonts-installer is set as a recommended dependent package for libreoffice on debian/ubuntu, while fedora does not have such a package in its repo. ttf-mscorefonts-installer fonts couldnt be bundled with TDF builds as i dont think the license allows for redistribution.

Am I correct that some of the LO documents used Vegur fonts? Whatever
fonts are used in the LO documentations should be included in the
installer bundle.

Dont think documentation fonts need to be included in the installer.

Currently, I have 189 font files installed on my default laptop.  I have
had over 400 font files installed in my Ubuntu install, which I reduced
to the current level only a few months ago.  I have over 200,000 font
files in my collection of fonts, including an early 2000 version of the
Adobe font set.  Except the Adobe set, all of the fonts are [or were]
free fonts.

I remember on windows that installing to many fonts would slow down the system. :D But we definitely need to implement ways to shrink the displayed list of font in the font combobox, like the ideas in tdf#88416 and tdf#91130.

To be honest, to help users, maybe LO could suggest different fonts in
the online documentation or even have a link to a .zip file with the
suggested fonts/files listed in the documentation for installing LO.
Having a listing of the popular free fonts and where you could find
them, may be a good idea.  Also for new Linux users, give the
"ttf-mscorefonts-installer" package name.  It was several years using
Ubuntu before I heard about the "ms core fonts" package.

As we bundle substitute fonts, there isnt a need to promote the installation of the MS fonts.

So, in my opinion, we should have a list of popular free fonts in the
online install tutorials or even a new page created specifically for the
font list[s]. Maybe people could create list of "paid" fonts with a list
of the best free fonts that can be used instead of the paid versions.
There are lists online in various places that discuss the fonts that are
installed with different versions of Windows, Mac, and Linux, and then
list the free replacements.  If we could have a good list of free fonts
and/or free replacement fonts that the LO users think would be a good
for users to download and try. Just within this thread there is a lot of
suggestions for what fonts are better than others.

We are creating a list of our default fonts on the wiki and the wiki page could be expanded to include a list of recommended open source fonts for document creation.

Discussions like this email thread are a good start.  Maybe we could
start a thread for a list of the better free fonts and what they can be
used as replacements for the "popular" paid fonts.  Actually, a couple
of font names, listed in this thread, are new to me.  Since I have been
using Windows since Win95 [or earlier].  Linux, on and off, since late
90's and Ubuntu as my default OS since version 9.xx.

Would assume an online spreadsheet would be the better choice than an email thread, as everyone can contribute and comment to it.


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