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On 10/10/2016 22:58, Francisco Adrián Sánchez wrote:

I will explain why not Carlito
Also, Caladea doesn't show this errors

Carlito and Caladea are drop in replacement for Calibri and Cambria, and
as such they are mandatory for enterprise migrations, which are a key
objective for LibreOffice (because enterprise migrations help to grow
the ecosystem, although slowly). Most enterprise who switched from MS
Office to LibreOffice have a font replacement table with Carlito and
Caladea, because Calibri and Cambria cannot be used with LibreOffice
(unless installed by Windows, which is not always the case).

In Italy alone, there are at least 200,000 desktops with LibreOffice
installed and configured with this font replacement table (and no one,
not even advanced users, has complained about Carlito and Caladea and
their potential design issues).

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