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Ok, but does it really make sense to show the path in the tooltip?
I mean, you can edit the template via the context menu.

If you feel it does make sense, we can of course change it.


Am 27.07.2016 um 14:23 schrieb Regina Henschel:
Hi Samuel,

Samuel Mehrbrodt schrieb:
Templates are different from recent files: They are all stored in the
same folder, which is usually inaccessible to the user. So it doesn't
make sense to expose the location to the user.
About the tooltip: We should probably show the filename in the tooltip,
not the title.

Templates are not stored "in the same folder". I have got a separate folder on a different hard disk for my templates, which I use for my job. It has sup-folders to group the templates by topic, for example templates for teaching mathematic, or templates for administration work in classrooms. I add this folder to the path in the LibreOffice path settings, so it exists parallel to the folders in share and in users.

Kind regards

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