Le 2011-06-28 17:23, Jean Hollis Weber a écrit :
Most of the screenshots for the user guides are of dialog boxes, and
those should be captured at their full size (unlike showing the full
window, which is user-variable). Many (most) dialog boxes fit well on
the document page just as they are (although their size does vary with
contributor's screen resolution), but some are too wide and must be
shrunk to page width or cropped.
When putting screenshots into user guides, several other consistency and
usability issues arise. I have a few guidelines summarised in some
document, but they are not as complete as they should be. They include
suggestions for cropping for emphasis (best done by the person working
on a particular document, who will know what the emphasis needs to be),
and guidelines for inserting cropped images at a size that results in a
common text size in all the dialog boxes in a document (realising that
in a few cases it must be smaller); the weight and color of any lines
pointing to items in the dialog box (or circles or boxes around items);
the font, weight, and size of any numbers or other text used as labels
on a screenshot or in a diagram; what if any background color to put
around labels.
Sounds like you had started on a protocol. If we could complete the
directions along with samples it will help our "screenshot helpers" in
supplying our teams with the more appropriate shots. Are these somewhere
on the wiki? We could help you with completing these if you need any help.