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Hi Christoph, all

I just want to add an idea - not even thought to the end, but perhaps some valuable input to reduce the numbers of buttons...

It's not too different to Heinzs/Astron's proposal when he started the thread, but avoids name changes on the buttons.:

[Help] needs quite a lot of work, but I think it i reasonable to place it at the left border in every dialog.

If you click on it, you will get a help window, while the dialog stays open.

But this is no button to discuss about (except the position).

What I would like to be discussed is an easy to be used multi-function [Apply] button:

It should get a two-state behavior: Depending on a pre-defined option it's standard state is <pressed> (leading to changes preview on the fly) or <released> (changes are only visible when the button is pressed during your work).

Clicking on the <pressed> button leads to reversion of the just added changes (can be indicated by mouse-over) in the document - and with a double-click, all changes are reverted in the dialog too.

This is clearly indicated by changing the button's style from <pressed> to <released>.

Clicking on the <released> button applies the changes to the document, but keeps the dialog open. This is the present behavior of the [Apply] button.

Double-click on the <released> button applies the changes to the document and closes the dialog. This would replace an additional [OK] button.

The only other button to add would be a [Close] button to exit the dialog.

This is a minimalistic approach, but should work for the scenarios I can imagine:

1. [Apply] button <pressed> as standard:
Every change is visible immediately (or after a short time as Christoph suggests) in the document.

   a. The user wants to keep the changes and leave the dialog:
       -> Just press [Close]
   b. The user wants to revert the changes and leave the dialog:
       -> press [Apply] to switch to the <released> style, so no change
          is applied to the document, and press [Close]. You should
          reach the same result with [Esc] on the keyboard or [x] in
          the dialog's upper corner by just one click.
   c. The user wants to revert the changes, but keep the dialog:
       -> double-click on [Apply]: The style is changes to <released>,
          and all entries in the dialog have been reverted.

2. [Apply] is <released> as standard behavior:
Changes are only visible when applied to the document manually:

   a. The user wants to apply the changes and leave the dialog:
       -> Double-click on [Apply].
   b. The user wants not to apply the changes and leave the dialog:
       -> press [Close] (or [Esc] or [x])
   c. The user wants to apply the changes with open dialog:
       -> press [Apply].
   d. The user wants revert the changes while the dialog stays open:
       -> this is tricky here, because it would mean to introduce a
          [Revert] button. In my eyes it should not be too hard for
          the user to close the dialog and re-open it again.

Sorry - I'm too tired to think on (additional buttons to avoid double clicks), but I want to send this nevertheless...

Best regards


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