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Hi Christoph, all,

Oh boy. I thought I'd wait a few days before responding so that I wasn't as offended as I am now, but it looks like you're expecting something from me and I don't want to delay Sebastien's work. I think I'll save myself the stress and step out of this task. I must have confused it for a discussion about a UI-issue on a Design mailing list.

On 3/9/2011 4:42 AM, Christoph Noack wrote:
Personally, I'd like to both look at Sébastiens work, and on Nik's work
once being reade.

Personally, I would have preferred
you to move on to some other fun / high-impact win, rather than getting
bogged down in random details here ;-)
Please don't expect anything from me. I won't be contributing to this task further. I don't volunteer my free time to be told how unimportant Design "random details" are.
Someone else will pick it up. Good luck.


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