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On Fri, 2012-06-29 at 16:23 +0100, Simon Phipps wrote:
Thanks for this, Drew.

On 29 Jun 2012, at 16:09, drew jensen wrote:


As folks likely know OSCON is coming up the middle of next month.

Both Simon and Jean will be attending.

The suggestion has been made to supply a disc image (or possibly on a 2
GB USB drive) for distribution at the conference.

Ok - the first thing that came to mind was TIME - not a lot.

First thought was to look to the libreoffice-na disk and see if that
might fit the bill. (Tim has been doing just a great job with that!)

Looking at the possible use of a 2GB USB of course poses a bit of a
problem - I went ahead and pulled all of the files off the server for the Libo 3.5.4 distribution ONLY and
generated a svelt 5 GB image...not so good for our purpose here.

I would like to propose we create a one-off use disk/USB image for the
OSCON conference.

To get to that I did the following so far:

1) Given that LibreOffice IMO really needs to focus on brand building,
particularly in the MS Windows space I would first drop all the
platforms other then Windows.

OSCON has a lot of Mac users, so if it's at all possible to shoehorn on the Mac DMG that would be 

Yeah - I thought about that - it would require bumping something else
out of the image, but that is OK with me.

2) The current libreoffice-na disk includes additional OSS applications,
again I propose to drop everything not for Windows.

What sort of thing are they? Even Windows add-ons probably aren't essential, and if it makes room 
for the Mac version all the better.
you can see the original set at

I already ditched anything that was not the latest release for windows
from that list.

The larger prize, space wise, is in dictionaries and templates, I would
need to drop something from those to fit the MAC distribution files in I
think, even if I dumped all the extras.

3) Documentation - again I would pare what is on the disk down. If there
is a 3.5 guide ready, then drop the older 3.3/3.x docs. DO NOT include
the odt files, only the pdf files.

Did all that and updated the associated HTML files last night - this
gives me an ISO file of 2.4 GB. 

This morning - 

4) The disk image included more then one portable LibreOffice images
included - I dropped all but the one of them (keeping the multi-language

5) Ran through the other extra items, and again dropped all the files
other then the latest windows release.

- and the current iso image stands at 1.9 GB.(though I think this will
still be to big for the 2GB USB when still needs a little
more weight loss.)

I've also updated the DVD case artwork, the insert and the brochure for
version 3.5.4.

The iso is currently uploading to the server so folks can
take a look (not the final work) - it should be done in about 3 hours
and I will follow up with a URL as soon as it is.

What I would propose is to go ahead and update this cover and the disk
label to show that it was distributed at OSCON 2012. I snagged some
artwork for doing this, not sure what steps (or rather who to ask) for
permission to do so from a trademark perspective - I'm hoping maybe
Simon could weigh in on that - if it seems like a good thing to do, and
I really think it is, the I could work on the artwork today.

Happy to help. Since we're representing TDF, I don't think there will be any trademark problems 
even if you use the marks with the TDF underline, but I'll wait for the gurus to chip in on that 

I meant if I include some OSCON marks, that is the trademark I'm
concerned with, not TDF.

So - this is a quick job of course and it will go better with help from
folks for sure - any thoughts or comments now would be appreciated -
otherwise, let's get this done, shall we.

Great stuff.  I gather Friends of OpenDocument are willing to contribute to the costs of 
production and delivery, and a friend of TDF in Portland has agreed to take delivery of 
shipments. He can also help find a local production facility if you've not already got a 


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