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Hi Sophie

Le 2011-02-19 14:34, Sophie Gautier a écrit :

Ok, I'll have a look tomorrow to the DE content to have an idea of the
targeted audience.
What can be done too is the adaptations the fr_CA version don't get with
the fr_FR version, such as AutoCorrection file for example.

Also, organizing the work between the different teams (like
documentation and l10n) in the FR project will help. Our doc team is
well aware of what is available and needed. The FR forum admins have
produced a lot of templates, I'm sure they'll be interested to participate.
So - this email got a bit long and I think another one like it later
today, after I finish up what is in the editor now.
Ok, my day is almost over and part of the night will be dedicated to
localization. So I'll check tomorrow the content for DE and EN and will
come with some concrete propositions or links.

Kind regards
It is great to hear of your offer to help. It is much appreciated. Is 
there any way to get someone involved for the Spanish translation as 
well? It would probably be easier if both the French and Spanish were 
Tim and Drew are doing a marvellous job with their work on the DVD.



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