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Christian Lohmaier wrote (14-02-12 12:48)

thanks to Anders' work, the simplified/buttonized download page is
available online for testing at

Looks fast & clean.
Which of course is partly due to the fact that maybe some details needs to be filled.

Please give it a shot with various browsers.

Looks OK in FF on Ubuntu.
Also OK in FF on Win 7 (VirtualBox)
In the IE version in Win7 (9.0.4), it immediately shows the page following 'Change system or language'

It is not shown in menus, and not in google sitemap, but it is public
for testing. Please use accordingly.

There are a few quirks and usability issues after having a look at the
site live (at least in my opinion - selection of language doesn't work
well, and when manually choosing it isn't  obvious that it is a
multi-step process and things like that)

- Also, would be good if it reads:
  Not the version you wanted? Change System, version or language

- there is no indication about preferred versions for different audiences, or a token that indicates such info exists.
Are we convinced that this really is not needed?

- The words " You need to download and install these files in order:"
of course are not always true. The first is a must, the second often preferred and the third optional. Maybe: "Download and install these files in order (2nd and 3rd are optional)"

- Could the text "base installer" be confusing, for people knowing that base as component? Maybe "Main installer" ?

- The note at the bottom of the current page, " Other way to download LibreOffice, the productivity suite " does that make sense, or is it redundant?

And a few theming issues (when there are no "related pages", the void
space should be filled with something else, now the english page looks
like something is missing (as the related pages haven't been tagged
like described below)

So while not perfect, it is a big step towards a revised download  page.

Yep. Thanks to Andras!

I think at first we should make it en-US only and only use it at the
frontpage, as translations are missing anyway.

Well, translating is easy enough. But with making this the landing page, then we should rethink our strategy about current content on the home page. Correct?

(i.e. always start of with presenting the download buttons, and if
in doubt the windows download if OS or language cannot be guessed)


 - Cor

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