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As for ISO Downloads, Here is the German language DVD links.

I do not have one for the English language version, since the North American version on the system has not been generated yet.

Also, do to size limitation on my hosting account, I am not allowed to have CD or DVD size files stored there.

I wonder how much it would cost, and how quick it would be, to ship/mail/etc. a DVD in its protective case [not paper sleeve] to your location from Elmira, NY, USA?

I would love to have you get a copy of our work we did to create a North American Community DVD.

If I created a bunch of ZIP files that held all of the up-to-date install and other files on the LibreOffice-NA.US site for 3.3.4, would you want to download them and put them together into the proper folder tree? It would take some time to upload them to my hosting account, due to the slow upload speed of my cable-modem broadband account, but if you are willing to download them, I am willing to upload them so you can get them.

It would not take long to remove the Linux and Mac files from [now 3.3.4 installs] to make it Windows-only. I planned on doing that, but had other things needed to be done first offline. This version of the site/DVD has the CMS style of navigation and theme, while [which is 3.3.3 installs] uses the original style/theme the German language version used many months ago.

Please let me know what you want to do.


Maybe Drew can get the CMS people to generate the DVD ISO for "testing" now so you could have the option to download that version. There are some folder/file structure differences between what is on and but LibreOffice-NA.US has been up for longer and has had more time in the editing and reviewing for errors. Once the new site is finished, the old one may be used to test different ideas for different version of the NA DVD.

On 08/27/2011 03:35 PM, Warren Camilleri wrote:

What i wanted to do in simple terms:

flash auto-play works as i use it at work (and i have an ACA in flash) - the
autoplay will have these links -  Install Libreoffice, System Requirements,
Documentation in english for now till i finish translating the disc and its
current contents in Maltese.

now since Libreoffice needs java on that pc it will be with Step 1: Install
Java, Step 2: install Libreoffice Step 3: install LO Help files, additional
steps(links): step 4: download extensions, Step 5; download templates
and social networking links facebook/twitter

all this for a windows PC, i can burn dvds as well as disks i'll start of
with the DVD as is but add an auto-play (and program it according to its
contents) once i get to look into the files that is, also if you may send me
link to download the ISO if possible

i am also open to assistance and constructive criticism. as for the Linux
part, Jonathan when your not so busy that area is where i will be needing

the reason why i will be shipping it as is, as MS has just signed a contract
with the government on windows and other apps, as for office it is not clear
yet, so i wanted to get a foot into that race...

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