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Well, if you want to use the work I did on the LibreOffice-NA.US site, go ahead, but you might want to reference that. I have the DVDs that I distribute based on what is on that my NA-DVD site. Drew will be making an ISO from the CMS site in the near future.

We planed on having an English/French/Spanish language DVD with the HTML pages in these three language. All you had to choose which language from the opening browser page.

I use Kompozer Web Page Editor for creation and editing of the HTML pages on that site.

As for auto starting, i.e. auto running when you place the disc in the computer, Microsoft has disabled that feature.

As for Windows-only vs. Windows/Linux/Mac, I like the choice, but if you use Windows-only, then you want to have the Windows only version.

I have both version online with 3.3.x and 3.4.x lines of LibreOffice, with only the 3.3.x Win/Linux/Mac version having the newest theme style that the CMS server version is using.

The difference between the Win-only and the Win/Linux/Mac version is the Install page and the extra packages in the extra's page. All other pages are the same.

If you need to have several languages on the DVD, all you need to do copy the HTML files into a different folder system and translate the wording. Then update the links to point to the original folders for the installs and such. That is where software like Kompozer work well.

To be honest, the most simple install DVD/CD would be having all the files in their folders, and write a text file that tells the person where the different installs, documentation, extensions, templates, artwork, etc., are located. Save it as a PDF file [export to PDF] and maybe give them a printed copy of it along with the disc. That is what I did, before I got involved with the NA-DVD project.

Now the DVD can be browsed with your default browser [IE or Firefox], of browser the DVD with your file-browser [My Computer]. Browsing by using Firefox [or IE] gives more information, but is not as quick if you know what is on the disc.

On 08/25/2011 06:58 PM, Warren Camilleri wrote:
thanks for the info, but is it possible for me to use it as it, meaning in English as most pc users here understand English. how ever i am working on to be in the native language (has alot of work to restructure the accents).

what i had in mind was either the dvd you guys made as is and just packaged by me for distribution, or finding the software files able for offline install and make a flash auto-start with links to the exe files (as most are windows users) and links to the online download for Linux and mac which i think might even fit on a CD.

also note that i am NOT a software programmer, so something's need to be as simple as possible (the same goes for me when i am translating)

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