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I have no issues for you to create a distribution disc for your local language based on the NA-DVD. I used the original themed German language DVD as the starting place for the English language North American DVD.

You can start with
which has the older theme, but it is easier to modify than the newest theme that
is now using.

If you want to have some of the really old version of the files in Zip files, you can got to this page and download all the theme files and see the folder structure. This page is for 3.3.1 installs from March 11th.

These pages will help you get started, if you do not want to create an online version with the CMS server system. I would recommend to design your DVD offline first, then if you want to add an online version for your language, then the CMS site might be an option for you.

On 08/25/2011 06:48 PM, Warren wrote:
May i ask if i may be able t download and distribute if not translate the project in maltese for the locals here as most net connections have a download limit, and distributing the discs for free like in our capital is a huge marketing advantage.

Warren camilleri (ossmalta)

On 25/08/11 22:42, webmaster for Kracked Press Productions wrote:

With working on the old P-III system, I decided to make a simple stripped down CD distribution/install disc for LibreOffice. It is not browser based like the original NA-DVD, but these old CD only systems would be quicker to not to use a web browser to deal with the install files.

This way, those who do not have a DVD drive and do not have broadband access, will be able to install LibreOffice.

I have included 3.3.x and 3.4.x Windows installs, the JRE, the documentation folder, and some basic dictionaries.

I added a PDF printout of the LO web site Windows installation info and a Read-Me-First document that tell the person to install the JRE first [since you get an install error freezing the install till JRE is installed].

Right now it is 697 MB. K3B states that I have 5.5MB free space on a CD, so the CD is as full as it gets.

I could have more space if I choose either 3.3.x or 3.4.x versions, but I wanted the users to have that option.

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