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On 04/30/2018 03:39 PM, Tanstaafl wrote:
On 4/30/2018, 8:32:31 AM, Virgil Arrington <> wrote:
Today, I will be drafting the final exam for my students. I will use LO
Writer for the task. I will then email it to my students and they will
type their answers right onto the computer file and email it back to me.
I need to get the file to my students in a format they can easily use
with their computers. I will use .DOC for this purpose because it's the
easiest solution to this situation.
No, it is just the one you settled on.

The easiest - and safst - approach would be to use Libreoffice to create
the form, save it as a fillable PDF form, then send that to your students.

This is intriguing. I just looked over my options with LO 6.0.3 in 
saving as a PDF and I don't easily see any method of saving as a 
"fillable PDF form." Can you give a quick explanation of how to do that?

Like Tom, I've always thought of PDF as a generally non-editable format, 
although I have used fillable PDF forms before. I've just never known 
how to create a fillable PDF. Can it be done from within LO?


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