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On Mon, 30 Apr 2018, Virgil Arrington wrote:

On 04/30/2018 11:11 AM, James Knott wrote:
Recent versions of MS Office are supposed to be able to work with Open
Document files.  Have you tried to see what happens when you use it with
ODF files?

Thank you for the suggestion. My personal computer is Linux only, but
I'll check it out on the school's computers to see how well MSO reads
and writes to .odt. I don't even know what version of MSO the school uses.
I shall have to check also. I'll send to some students as guinea pigs.

one thing I've observed is that in spite of being a (partly) Linux company, google-drive does not treat .odt files kindly: it seems to list the unzipped contents instead of showing properly formatted text.
the school uses google-apps for education, specially designed for use 
in schools (more privacy, closed environment).

Felmon Davis

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