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Toki <> wrote:

On 10/03/2017 07:46 AM, Krunose wrote:
And yes, seams something wrong with word count of html documents
opened in Writer. My test document has 62 words. Saved it as html,
opened it in Writer, counter says 70. But when I count by hand - still
62 words on screen.

This gets into what constitutes a word. Definitions here are crucial. In
your example, you gave both 62 and 70 as options. * If the 70 is based
upon a printer's word, then there are 84 words, as counted by typists; *
If the 70 is based upon a typist's word, then there are 58 words, as
counted by printers; * If the 70 is based upon one of the other
definitions of a word, then there are at least two more equally
legitimate values that _accurately_ state the number of words in the

Getting back to Thomas' issue. How does the contract in question define
"word"?  Once that is known, then an explanation of how to accurately
determine the number of words in the Impress file can be provided.

When I learnt touch typing, way back in the '60s,  the average word was
deemed to be five keystrokes, e.g. the word "thaw+hittingn the spacebar"
counted as a word for  determining "words per minute typed. And, of
course, a word such as "costumier+spacebar" would count as two words, etc.


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