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Hi Thomas:

        I think that I have a solution using GNU / Linux Ubuntu, or maybe the solution it would be able with other program similar that you can find:

    1) Install the program: gpdftext (GTK+ text editor for ebook PDF files, gpdftext opens a simple text-based PDF file, typically intended for reading on an ebook reader and loads the text into a text editor window, autoformatting the text for long lines and paragraph breaks. gpdftext is useful when the downloaded PDF uses a small font or wastes a lot of space in the margins so that a plain text file would display in a more comfortable font. gpdftext supports spell checking and editor font selection and can save ASCII content as PDF.) Web site:

    2) Save the Impress Presentation in .pdf format

    3) Open the Impress Presentation with gpdftext

    4) gpdftext convert the .pdf document in simple format text

    5) Save the document as .txt

    6) Open the document with Writer an use the tool that it has: Menu-> Word Count

I hope this help,


Jorge Rodríguez

El 02/10/2017 a las 10:13, Thomas Blasejewicz escribió:
Good evening
It happens once in a while .. I have to work (translate) PPT files for which I use Impress and then need to know the number of words.
In the entire file.
So far I could not figure out, whether there is a way to count all words in an Impress file. (A similar question posted on the net somewhere was "closed, because it is irrelevant" ???)

Today I found, that one can get a word count in the real PPT by looking at properties.

Is there such a trick for Impress?

Thank you.

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