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On 2/29/2016 4:31 AM, toki <> wrote:
On 27/02/2016 19:06, Tanstaafl wrote:
Not sure what kind of real world scenario that falls into
That real world scenario is adhering to a lawyer's recommendation that
even de facto spam has to be retrieved and archived to comply with
assorted federal, state and local data retention laws, rules, and
Actually, depending on the jurisdiction, I'd call B$ on that.

There is NO law that requires one to ACCEPT all mail.

First and foremost you reject mail for invalid recipients. Then there
are a lot of spam cases that can safely and legally be rejected at SMTP

But, sure, if you ACCEPT the mail, then if you fall under certain laws,
you may have to archive it for a given amount of time.

But, again, in what world does anyone receive (ACCEPT) 2+GB of mail PER

Sorry, but that is just silly.

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