At 12:49 07/09/2013 -0700, John Jason Jordan wrote:
In Writer, FrameMaker and the TeX family, a document consists of a continuous stream of text. If you insert additional text at the beginning, all the text moves down, including the creation of new pages at the end if necessary.The other applications I mentioned are "page layout" applications. In a page layout application each page is a container. Everything that goes on a page goes into a graphics or a text frame. The frames never automatically move, regardless of how much stuff you add stuff to them. For text to flow from one page to the next there must be successive frames on the pages and the frames must be linked. You can drag frames around, create new ones, change the size and shape, but a frame always stays precisely where you put it on a page. You can link text frames that are pages apart - think of a magazine where a story begins toward the front of the magazine, runs for a couple of pages, and then you see "continued on page x."
Writer won't do everything, but you appear not to realise what it can do. Writer has frames, which can indeed be anchored to pages, and have the sort of properties you describe. It also allows linked frames. The only restriction appears to be that linked frames must be in the same section. Try it! (See "frames;linking" in the help text.)
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