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On 8/19/13 7:00 PM, Virgil Arrington wrote:
On 08/19/2013 08:44 AM, Denis J Navas wrote:
LaTeX which is known as a standard with typography of technical and
mathematical documents, use a wider space after the end of sentence
point, than the space between words.  Even more, the inter word space
is dependent of the main font size (the optical size) and is stretchable.

That's why I don't accept the usual convention that don't use double
space after the end of sentence point, because LibreOffice does not
have way to insert end of sentence spaces.

While that is the default LaTeX setting, every time I use LaTeX, I
insert the \frenchspacing command in my preamble, so that LaTeX will
conform to the current generally accepted standard of using only a
single word space after sentences.

While LaTeX produces beautiful results, it is a computing tool, not a
typographic standard. The creator of the default behavior has, in fact,
*deviated* from the "standard of typography" by ignoring the current
standard of using only one word space after sentence ending punctuation.

I'm not saying everybody has to conform to the standard, but it would be
somewhat naive to pretend that the standard doesn't exist.

I know I said I would let it go, but I just couldn't resist. :)
Hi, Vigil,

So, if I read your message correctly, there is no official "body" that sets typographic standards, only general conventions used by most, but may not be the best for end user/reader. Would that be correct?


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