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On 08/16/2013 12:26 PM, Felmon Davis wrote:
On Fri, 16 Aug 2013, Bruce Carlson wrote:

this whole discussion rather puzzles me. I'm out of it because I've 
never heard of a rule requiring double spaces between sentences (born 
and raised in the US).

esthetically double space insertion annoys me when I have to edit 
texts but otherwise I don't notice so double spaces neither facilitate 
nor inhibit reading as far as I am concerned.

I gather from Brian Barker's (and others') posts that this has 
something to do with typewriters - is this a rule one learns by taking 
typewriter classes? (learned on a typewriter but can't remember if I 
double-spaced or not.) is it a rule applied to some special area of 
literature or publication?


Writing for publication should never double space between sentences.
However, to answer the question, above,when I took a typing class,
around 1952, I was told to double-space between sentences. In those
days, if anyone was writing for publication, it would go thru an
editor, followed by a Linotypist. Then, for book or magazine copy, there
were galley proofs. And when the type was set, there
would be no double spaces. Nowadays, when a manuscript (notice that
the word means "hand-written") is submitted for publication, very
little editing or proofreading is done--the computer-generated text
goes fairly directly to the offset press, or whatever typesetting
system is used. So do *not* double space anything any more! (BTW,
it's a hard habit to break!)


Blessed are the peacemakers..for they shall be shot at from both sides.

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