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Hi Tom

Many times there are sneaky spamware, not necessarily malware, generally called PUP's (Potentially Unwanted Programs), that are bundled with a downloaded or disk based program, and we all just click "next next next", instead of hesitating and checking to see if there is a minuscule tick box to uncheck the loading of a add-on PUP. And most times it's these PUP's that are robbing the resources of a system, mostly monitoring a users PC habits and emails, and then "phoning home" with their collected data. This is how spam gets to all of us.
I regularly use the ctrl shift esc key sequence to bring up the Windows 
Task manager to see what processes are running, and then I edit my 
registry (two places, under the user account and the system account) to 
find and remove these self loading PUP's, and also tracing where they 
lie on my hard drive and either uninstalling them or my favourite part, 
simply delete them, and if Windows cannot do this, then my trusty Linux 
does (most times they are difficult to remove while Windows is running, 
or they self protect themselves, changing the permission and file 
attributes to beyond the "administrator level).
I will not post how to edit the registry on this open forum as I don't 
want to be held responsible for inexperienced people tinkering, 
tampering and then messing up their system, but I'll email it privately 
to anyone that wants to know with the risk on your own head, as to where 
you go in the registry and what keys to work with.
So as I said a clean system, with correct AND TRUSTWORTHY software 
tools, along with correct defragging makes for a fast system at all 
times. I can also let people know, if they want via private mail, as to 
the tools I use and only trust for this. There is plenty payware (and 
freeware) GARBAGE out there that do keep their promises of really 
cleaning your system, i.e. wipe all of your O/S and data for you.

On 05/08/2013 11:03 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
That is weird.

On this fairly crumby laptop, 2.2GHz (hmmm, not so crumby after all) it took about 0-1 seconds for 
the LO splash-screen to appear.  Same on my really nice desktop, 1.86GHz (hmmm, not so nice after 
all!).  Both running Ubuntu and fairly old versions of LO (i think).  Meanwhile on Windows 2.93GHz 
it took about 1s to open Writer completely.  Didn't even have time to see the splash screen.

Now i guess i need to find the machines that are having the slow start-ups and maybe find out why.

Dunno why i am getting unusually good results on these 3 machines except that i have just done tons 
of maintenance on the laptop for the first time in years and i tend to look after those 2 desktops 
more than any others in the office

Regards from

Tom :)

From: Kracked_P_P---webmaster<> Sent: Monday, 5 August 2013, 17:39
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] start up speed

Yes, I get 3 seconds from clicking on the panel icon to the appearance
of the splash screen.  I sometimes see a "progress bar" if I am running
a lot of packages and need to open a document within LO.  Just now, the
splash screen came on and in about a second or two the page view windows
[or whatever it is officially called] replaced the splash screen and the
progress bar did not have "the time" to show any progress.

I run an AMD Phenom X4 9650 64-bit quad core running either 1.15 or 2.3
GHz depending on the system need at the time.  It has an "internal"
NVIDIA GeForce 7025 video on a ASRock N68-S motherboard.  I could
upgrade the processor since it is AM3 ready.  The system was a "custom
build" so it is not a name brand system.  I have 4 GB of ram, most
likely DDR2.  All four of the SATA ports are used, and it stated they
are SATA II @ 3.0 Gb/s. There are some "internals" that was designed for
Windows, that are not accessible using Linux, but I do not notice any
issues.  I have a 600 watt power, just in case I decided to add a
powerful GPU video.  I have not so far.

I was told that this system was somewhere shy of the top quarter of the
AMD processors for power, when it came out.  I just call it mid-range.

I do not remember the drive companies, but in Feb. 2010 it had a 1-TB
drive and an IDE optical DVD burner.  The spring of 2012, I installed a
2-TB drive [big-drive] and by the fall I added another 2-TB drive
[data-two].  A few weeks ago I added the SATA DVD burner.  So now all 4
SATA II ports are in use.  I want to replace the aging 1-TB OS and
active data drive with a 2-TB one with it partitioned as 300-500 for the
OS and data, then the rest being a data-only partition.  That will give
me a total of 6-TB in the desktop.  The next drive purchase will be to
replace the first 2-TB drive with a 3 or 4 TB one.  The current drives
have 78.8 GB, 113.8 GB, and 55.2 GB free space on them.  So it is time
to think about adding the extra TB or more to the desktop.  I just have
to either replace a drive or add more SATA II/III ports to it.

I never ran Windows on this desktop, my default system I so most thing
on.  I started with Ubuntu 9.10 64-bit, since it was Feb. 2010, and went
to 10.04LTS when it came out.  Then I waited till 12.04 LTS to upgrade
it, just like I will be waiting for 14.04LTS for the next one.

Your dual boot OS loading seems about the same for me, once I get the
screen that gives me a choice of OS.

Your loading Writer seems ok with my quad Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit, dual core
Intel running Ubuntu 12.04 or Win7 Home Premium or Win7 Professional [2
dual core laptops with the different Win7 installs on each].  Now my old
AMD64 laptops running XP/pro takes about 15 to 20 seconds.  I do not use
Calc, Impress, or Draw much so I never really noticed their opening speeds.

On 08/05/2013 09:17 AM, Andrew Brown wrote:

Kracked, a good reply. If I may add my two cents worth to performance
of start-ups here.

This is my system hardware top of the range in December 2007, and
still hops today. The only things updated since 2008 was the video
card and the SATA III hard drives, and the O/S's.

Windows 7 Ult. x64 / Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail Dual boot, Intel
Core2 Duo 6850 3GHZ, MSI X-38 Diamond mobo, Asus ATI EAH5770 CUcore
1GB Video, SuperTalent 6GB DDR3 1333MHZ, Seagate 7500RPM SATAIII 500GB
(Windows Boot), Seagate 7500RPM SATAIII 2TB (Data), Seagate 7500RPM
SATAIII 500GB (Linux), Thermaltake Toughpower 750W PSU

Also my analogy of a well tuned and clean system, will run top gun for
many years compared to cutting edge modern hardware today getting
bogged down with willy nilly installed and unmaintained software (but
again if this is maintained it will remain a top gun from it's day of
purchase and clobber my hardware performance). I see and read too many
who throw good money at high end systems only to have them slow a few
months later, and many who poer poer the idea of cleaning a system
(registry and boot processes), and defragging it. So here's my tested
speeds of this system above.

PC switch on to ready state to use (Windows 7 64bit, with a dual boot
menu selection and the login screen) = 40 seconds
PC switch on to ready state to use (Ubuntu 13.04 64bit, with a dual
boot menu selection and the login screen) = 20 seconds

LO Writer from click on icon to ready to type / menu clicks (Windows 7
64bit) etc. - 3 seconds
LO Writer from click on icon to ready to type / menu clicks (Ubuntu
13.04 64bit) etc. - 3 seconds
LO Calc from click on icon to ready to type / menu clicks (Windows 7
64bit) etc. - 3 seconds
LO Calc from click on icon to ready to type / menu clicks (Ubuntu
13.04 64bit) etc. - 3 seconds
LO Impress from click on icon to ready to type / menu clicks (Windows
7 64bit) etc. - 3 seconds
LO Impress from click on icon to ready to type / menu clicks (Ubuntu
13.04 64bit) etc. - 3 seconds

All the above to load a file directly i.e click on the data file which
loads the appropriate app (and I chose files of around 5MB - 4 seconds
for Writer, 5 seconds for Calc and 5 seconds for Impress in both O/S's.

PC shutdown, from time to click on shutdown options to cold and dark
(Windows 7 64bit) = 15 seconds
PC shutdown, from time to click on shutdown options to cold and dark
(Ubuntu 13.04 64bit) = 5 seconds

My LO splash logo on both O/S's is displayed in under 1 second and the
scroll bar in the splash logo takes under 1 second to show it's
loading state, the balance of the time in the 3 seconds is loading the
app, and I don't use the quickstarter option and have never done. I
have supplied the times for clicking on the data file to load the app.


On 05/08/2013 02:10 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
With MSO the splash screen appears immediately and keeps doing things to make it clear it is doing 

With LO it is ages before the splash screen appears so it looks like it hasn't reacted at all.

So people don't trust it and they think that more time passes.  It might be good to video the same 
system starting each up in turn.  Also i think the Windows version is a lot slower to start up than 
the Ubuntu one.

LO is getting better but it just doesn't look like it is.  Perception is often more important than 
reality with things like this.
Regards from
Tom :)

From: Kracked_P_P---webmaster<> Sent: Monday, 5 August 2013, 12:49
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] start up speed

For me, I do not use the Quickstart option.  Their are some hassles with
upgrading some extensions if that is "on" all the time.  I find that
without using that option, I have the package load up and usable for
editing quickly enough for my needs.  It is faster than many other
packages I use.

The "boot" time for LO is much faster now that in the past.  Also,
compared to MS Office, it is still faster.

There is one other "time" that needs to be measured.  The time it takes
for you to be able to start editing.  Sure you can have a package start
up fast and show its "page view", but it does no good if you cannot
start working with the package if it take another minute or so to allow
you to start working with it.

Take Writer or Word.  You start the package by double-clicking the icon
in the menu or on the screen.  Then you get a splash screen. After that
the document or a new one is seen in the "page view" window.  Now, how
long does it take from there to be able to click on a menu or start
typing editing the document?  That is where I had a problem with MSO
2003.  Sure that is ten years out of date, but it was the last version
of MSO I actually work with on a regular basis.  Since 2010 I have been
a "Linux" person with Ubuntu as my default desktop OS.  So I have not
tried the newest version of MSO.  But, with Writer, the time ti takes
>from opening of the page view window to being able to edit or click on
the menus has been reduced by a large percentage since I started using
LO in its early days.

That is the real question.  How much wait time do you have between
clicking on the icon to the print of being able to work with the
package.  No package is as fast as people would like, i.e. click and
edit in a matter of a 2 or 3 seconds.  Right now, with 2 browser windows
open, this email package and 3 utilities on the screen, my Ubuntu
install on a mid-range quad core desktop from Feb. 2010 , takes about 7
seconds from click to editing.  That is fast enough for me.  I have run
packages that take 15 to 30 seconds to open up to the point of using
it.  In this day of wanting things as quick as possible, 15 to 30
seconds may be too long for some people.

Yet, for those of you who have been using PCs since its early days of
DOS or even Windows 95, these start up times are super fast compared to
those older systems, even with the less powerful packages that we used,
like PC-Write for word processing.


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