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That is really unfortunate.  In Windows/DOS, we have problems with
unrecognizable characters, and characters that are part of the formatting,
but not so much the difficulties you are talking about--although at least
one program (the old Ashton-Tate solution known as Framework) DID have
quite a mess of confusing characters in it, and scattered throughout in
some sort of order, so I'm not sure if this is the same thing you mean. It
is really frustrating to realize that if you had written everything by
hand, you might be better off than with a computer that stores your
information....I picked up some of my old grad school notes (1970's), and
they were quite readable--because they were typed and annotated on PAPER.
 This is something that has to be fixed for the future.  That's why I said
that it's important that there be a single standard, and that the various
regulatory authorities demand that it be so (think if we had multiple
voltages and amperages, and frequencies in our electrical systems, and if
DC current was used by some, AC by others--in the same country...the
preservation of data is at least as important.).

On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 12:35 AM, laurent alonso <>wrote:

        Hello Steven,

Le 26 nov. 2012 à 19:43, Steven Bradley a écrit :

I totally agree with all this--but in a pinch, as everyone I'm sure
one can open a document (most of them at least), and go back and "decode"
it with a text processor like Notepad or Notepad++; come to think of it,
I'm actually surprised that Sourceforge doesn't offer a converter for all
those old documents--not to mention all the documents written on Apple
II's, etc. All of us have them. I have many documents written in
Wordperfect, and so on.

        As I am trying to do something similar on Sourceforge, for many
archaic mac
classic documents (you can look for libmwaw ) , this is not so simple :

- maybe 1/3 of formats, that I see, do not store the text continuously but
by blocks
 in order to be more efficient : for instance, they can cut the text in
which have between 128 and 256 characters and then stores block 3, block
1, block 2.
Thus when you add some characters, they only need to update a small block
 (and sometimes split a block of 256 in two blocks ) : this includes Word
 FullWrite, MacWritePro... This also means that if you read the file
 you will read many junk part of the files which contains not relevant

- I have 3 formats which compress text data before storing them on the
  disk : this includes MacWrite, MindWrite, HanMac Word ( a format which
 I am studying actually, ...) ; FullWrite also stores a space character
with the
 ascii code 0 (which means that notepad will not retrieve any space
characters )

- after on Mac Classic, you can have as many fonts as you want and each
can have
  a different encoding ; this means that you must at least retrieve the
fonts name,
  if you want to retrieve the good character ( this also means that as I
found/code only
  a subset of the fonts encoding, I can only retrieve roman text ).


 Steven C. (Steve) Bradley
CA Dept of Real Estate, Lic. #00869762
619-316-8781 Direct
619-442-8833 XT 119 Office
See my websites:
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"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other
people's money."
--Margaret Thatcher
"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him
absolutely no good." - Samuel

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