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Hi :)
Interestingly apparently many US government agencies and departments use Gnu&Linux for most of 
their server-side and infra-structure but had to cave into users demands for MS on their desktops.  

An interesting quiet little press release appeared on the DistroWatch website a few days ago.
Scroll down to the note written 2012-04-13

"A new version of Lightweight Portable Security (LPS),
 a Linux live CD with strong privacy protection features created by the 
United States Department of Defence, is out. Version 1.3.3 is a 
maintenance release, updating Firefox, Flash, Adobe Reader and OpenSSL, 
and adding Thunderbird and Pidgin to the "deluxe" edition. From the changelog: "Changes
 in version 1.3.3: updated Firefox to 10.0.3 ESR; updated Flash to; updated OpenSSL to 0.9.8u; updated Adobe Reader to 9.5.1; 
updated Encryption Wizard application to 3.3.2; added Thunderbird 3.1.20
 and DAVmail to LPS-Public Deluxe for S/MIME email support with MS 
Exchange OWA; added Pidgin 2.10.2 (with SameTime support); added VMware 
View 1.4; added option for OpenDNS DNSCrypt; added Firefox extension 
HTTPS Everywhere 2.0.1; added Firefox extension NoScript 2.3.7 (disabled
 by default)." Download (SHA256) the live CD images from the project's download server: 
LPS-1.3.3_public.iso (176MB), LPS-1.3.3_public_deluxe.iso (377MB)."

Shamelessly copy&pasted from the DW site.  See the original here
if it has scrolled off the bottom of the DW front page.  

Err, i bcc'd one of the main people, probably the top person at DW just to keep him in the loop
Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Wed, 18/4/12, Ken Springer <> wrote:

From: Ken Springer <>
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: beware of the m$ subsidiary
Date: Wednesday, 18 April, 2012, 12:14

On 4/17/12 6:01 AM, webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote:
Most government agencies [USA] at all
levels are not "allowed" to use any other office package but MSO AND are
forbidden to install software on their computers, including
screen-savers and such.

It can be misleading to say something like this (yes, it's true) without also saying *why* these 
policies are in place.

To keep the explanation simple, it's the ability to support the hardware and software out there, 
and ensure security of the system as a whole, and do so with diminishing resources.

Been there, done that.  :-)

-- Ken

Mac OS X 10.6.8
Firefox 11.0
Thunderbird 11.0.1

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