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Hi E-letter :)
What Dan has already done for Base is pretty huge.  However it is in an area that is undervalued 
within OpenSource communities.  Allegedly it's one of the commonest blockers preventing increased 
uptake or at least it's one of the most commonly given excuses.  People get all excited about 
coding and expect other areas to just happen by magic.  Also what he has said has played out the 
way he predicted so it's not hurt him.  
Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Thu, 1/3/12, e-letter <> wrote:
On 29/02/2012, Dan Lewis <> wrote:

<snip />

      OK, I have had my say. I will likely delete any replies that come
from this thread because I have seen people justify their actions in the
past threads. This is suppose to be a list to help others, and their
comments are not likely to do that. Besides, any replies to me need to
consist of references for getting the most from Base. Other than help in
learning more about how to use it, I don't need.

Your loss...

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