Am 02.03.2012 04:25, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:
What is wrong with telling someone not to use base??? The purpose of
free software is freedom to use other tools; noone said it had to be a
traditional office software product. I remember being advised by OO
users to use R for statistics; it was the appropriate advice at the
Note that I did not advise against it, I merely stated why I don't use
it much anymore.
Nor did I. Base is our most used component. We run 4 PCs where at least
one Base form is open all the time during the work day.
And of course we use Base together with a free database server since the
freedom of use includes the obediance to standardized interfaces.
We have no spreadsheet nor letter template that is not bound to a data
source of some kind.
Base saves us a lot of money because we don't have to buy all the
additional modules of our licensed software.
Base has a lot of most prominently shown but most obsolete wizard tools
which are not required to work productively with databases. Quite often
these wizards do the wrong thing or they do the right thing wrongly.
So I recommend not to use the most prominently shown parts of Base.
Using the manual desingn tools together with the command line is by far
more productive if you know what needs to be done.
This is what this whole thread is about. Letting Mark Stanton build a
Writer report based on alleged relations between his dBase tables
although the built-in driver does not support relations, thus it can not
merge the contents of different tables.
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- Re: [libreoffice-users] Tell me it's not true (continued)
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