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I suppose it is prudent to delete one app before installing the other,
just to be safe in the case of production operation.

It appears because of version differences, there is no conflict of
profiles.  And I keep the unpack locations separated on a shared server.

Also, LibreOffice uses locations separate from any OO.o version I have
on the same machine, including for user profiles and other application
data, so I think I got lucky.  OOo-dev gets its own setup, by design
I think, so it will not conflict with a production 

The shell information on launching from the document is limited, as I
already mentioned.  That seems to be the only registry information 
problem that I have encountered.  There may be more, but they don't
seem to be a problem.  (Well, I see strange file-locked-by-another-app
messages, but if I close and attempt to open the file again, it always
works just fine.)

I'm willing to believe I have just been lucky.  And in my case, these
shared configurations in Virtual Machines are all disposable.  My
production system never has more than the one copy of LibreOffice
and no or Symphony, or any other native ODF app.

 - Dennis

-----Original Message-----
From: NoOp [] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 14:42
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: Dead End or Evolution?

On 09/20/2011 01:06 PM, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
Oops, I lied.

It is OO.o 2.4.1, OOo-dev 3.4, and LibreOffice 3.3.3 all
running side-by-side in a single configuration of Windows
XP.  (Microsoft Office 2003 and the ODF Converters are
also running there.)

LibreOffice 3.4.3 is running on a Vista configuration [;<).

 - Dennis

I would not recommend doing that on Windows (fine in linux if you change
bootstraprc to point to different profiles) as you'll experience
registry issues. I highly recommend that you install using the parallel
installation method:


particularly for comparison testing to avoid the registry issues. I have
to admit that I sometimes do this as well (non-parallel install method),
but expect the registry conflicts, and ensure that each version is not
using the same profile.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis E. Hamilton [] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 12:51
Subject: RE: [libreoffice-users] Dead End or Evolution?

I keep multiple versions running in order to provide QA and 
interoperability testing.

These are all on Windows, but I notice that I have OO.o 2.4.1, 
OOo-dev 3.4, and LibreOffice 3.4.3 all installed on the same 
Virtual PC running Windows XP.  That is not where I do all of 
my work (I am still on LibreOffice 3.3.2 for a serious writing 
deliverable right now), so I may simply have not seen the problems.

The one annoying limitation is that (1) I can only have one 
default application that launches when I double-click on a file, 
and it is the OO.o 2.4.1 that was installed first in the 3-install 
case (which is fine), and (2) I can't add the other versions to 
the context menu for alternate ways to open the files because the 
programs all have the same file name.  So to use documents in the 
other two versions, I must open the version first, then open the 
documents from within the version I am running.  (This is 
apparently a Windows limitation.)

There may be other "conflicts" but, in my forensic work, this is 
what I notice most.

 - Dennis

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