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Hi All,

Tom has mentioned several times about disabling Java so LibreOffice would open faster. I started using LibreOffice when it first became available. It opened very slowly compared to OpenOffice. I ran across the following when I researched the issue. It was due to LibreOffice calling home when it was initially opened. I don't know if this still happens or not, but the following fixed this issue for me (running Ubuntu 11.04) and others who were having the issue back then:

/*Change hosts setting in hosts file for LibreOffice on Ubuntu 11.04:*/

/In terminal, do gksudo gedit /etc/hosts/

/Add line as shown below: For instance, * don localhost don.(none)
Originally it looks like this
* localhost galaxy
*Add a line so it looks like this:* localhost galaxy galaxy localhost galaxy.(none)
*Now Writer and Calc open fast when the network connection is attached.*

For anyone new reading this, replace "galaxy" with whatever you have named your computer./



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