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Yes, it has had many releases since Oracle stopped developing OOo.

Now Lo has two lines. 3.3.x for the most-stable versions, and 3.4.x the more "cutting-edge version. Actually 3.4.x line will soon be ready for business use, and seems to have better read/write abilities for files like .docx and .xltx. Soon the last 3.3.x version will be out and the new 3.5.x line will be started as the new "cutting-edge" line and 3.4.x will be the most-stable versions. This way, there will be one line for ready for business users and one line for those who want to try the most "cutting-edge" version of all the newest features.

Right now, the release schedule is listed with dates of each release through the end of 2012. I doubt that OOo has/had anything like that. These dates were so far correct, within a day or two depending on problems that delayed them in the past. No other software package I have used has been able to keep to such a schedule with their products and still keep producing the best possible products within these time constraints. Sometimes there are issues with some features on some systems, but for the most part, they are always better that the last release.

On 09/20/2011 11:05 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi again :)
Sorry for the double posting! LibreOffice is the free version of OpenOffice. OpenOffice may or may not remain free or split into 2 parts so that there is a trial version and a 'full' version that might cost. Oracle have started a process of giving OpenOffice to the Apache Foundation. If Apache do run OpenOffice then it will probably continue to be free and will probably develop faster than it did under Sun or Oracle. It's still very unclear what is happening with it or where it will be in 2 years time. By contrast LibreOffice is firmly established.
Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Tue, 20/9/11, owen<>  wrote:

From: owen<>
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Dead End or Evolution?
Date: Tuesday, 20 September, 2011, 13:39

I'm behind on the issue of the demise of Open Office and the emergence of Libreoffice.
  Will the installation of Libreoffice recognize all my OpenOfffice files.
   Will utalizing Libreoffice end up with both OpenOffice and Libreoffice being installed on my 
computer. I don't want both systems so should I uninstall or remove OpenOffice?
  What will happen to the OpenOffice custom templates I how have? Also the dictionary I have added 
many words too?
   Will anyone continue to support the free version of OpenOffice?

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