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One of the differences between LO and OOo, is that LO is slowly moving away from Java for internal use.

As for OOo templates, I have not found any templates that worked with OOo 3.x to not work with LO 3.3.x and 3.4.x. As for the added words to your local dictionary, some one here must know where they are stored and will be able to tell you how you can move it over to LO from OOo. I know that all of the .oxt dictionaries for OOo seems to work for LO, except for one or two exceptions that I know of and fixed one of these myself.

OOo is not dead, but in a state of flux with it being given to Apache and currently not on their main track of products being worked on. While on the other hand, LO is being actively being improved. If you check published articles, when LO's original 3.3.0 came out, it was better than OOo's 3.3.0 version. LO seems to have been better than OOo in every article since its first release.

So, there are ways for Lo and OOo to be on the same computer, but it is better to choose just one. I have chosen LO over OOo since it came out.

On 09/20/2011 08:39 AM, owen wrote:
I'm behind on the issue of the demise of Open Office and the emergence of Libreoffice.
 Will the installation of Libreoffice recognize all my OpenOfffice files.
Will utalizing Libreoffice end up with both OpenOffice and Libreoffice being installed on my computer. I don't want both systems so should I uninstall or remove OpenOffice? What will happen to the OpenOffice custom templates I how have? Also the dictionary I have added many words too?
  Will anyone continue to support the free version of OpenOffice?

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