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Although this is OT for this thread.  One more thing.

I don't read the list by opening all of the posts.
I read the lists in my preview pane as I quickly
scan the unread ones (chronologically).  If there 
is a forced word-wrap, the rewrapping in the 
preview pane is rather, um, distracting, as it is
on these manually hard-broken lines when I seem them
on the list.

Of course, rapid processing of the preview pane also
favors top-posting.

I guess there is tolerance or there isn't.

 - Dennis.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis E. Hamilton [] 
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2011 19:03
Subject: RE: [libreoffice-users] Re: Rountrip Conversion Problems (was Re: Should LibreOffice ... 
secret formats?)


I see word-wrap just fine on the web page you linked to.  
It appears that the list provided automatic word wrap. It
won't reflow if I make the window narrower than where it
did auto-breaking, so I couldn't read it comfortably with
my phone's browser, unless the forced wrap is something
like 30 characters (with landscape viewing).  But the auto-
breaking is there, with a line width of around 110 
characters, it seems. 

I also see word-wrap just fine in the e-mail you sent to me.
So the answer is yes, I would see it all just fine.

The conflict is with clients that do know to word-wrap the text,
which is kept in paragraph-level streams so the client can do
correct word-wrap with whatever the displayed line size is.

I know some list archives *prevent* work-wrapping by using
<pre> instead of <p> elements when plaintext is presented
via HTML.  The GMANE page you linked to uses <pre> but then
does automatic word wrap to keep line width at around 110
characters.  Works fine on my monitor [;<).

When email is word-wrapped with hard line breaks, it is 
then ugly in situations when the client also does automatic 
word-wrapping.  And when there are ">" reply-nesting markers, 
it gets worse.


So if I sent HTML-formatted mail, would that actually work
better for you?

 - Dennis

PS: This message manually word-wrapped for your pleasure.

PPS: There is an SMTP IETF RFC that explains how to auto-
matically handle word-wrapping and tell when not to word-
wrap a line.  It appears that knowledge of that is not
uniformly distributed.  I think the architectural principle
is that the recipient would know what its wrapping needs
are and the sender has no way to know what works, hence
no pre-wrapping inside paragraph text.

-----Original Message-----
From: NoOp [] 
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2011 16:44
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: Rountrip Conversion Problems (was Re: Should LibreOffice ... 
secret formats?)

I'm going to top post on purpose this time (shock & awe)...

Dennis, sorry but I've a hard time following your posts. You top post
without any word wrap & here is how your post appears in my standard
email client.

I well appreciate your participation on this list, however you've
already read, and commented[1], on "Top Posting... Can we have an LO
Mailing List Guidelines Page?" thread. How does top posting and lack of
word wrap make the following readable at all?

Re: word wrap:
Is it that difficult?

Were you to initially receive the following in your email client
(X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook 14.0) would you be able to follow and
understand just what the heck you are talking about?

I think your contributions to this list are sincere, well thought out,
and valuable. /Please/ reconsider your top posting and lack of word wrap
in future responses.



[ ... ]

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