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I almost always write my comments in felicitous red but i think the list is 
plain-text only so you probably receive it in black on white.
Html is one specific type of "Document mark-up language".  Often a restricted 
sub-set of the same codes are allowed in threads.  However something we 
soemtimes take notice of in linux circles is that just because something CAN be 
done does not mean it SHOULD be done.  You can learn to have fun with it and 
that helps develop skills.  Certainly you don't lose points for not using 
mark-up codes.  Just type.  Lets the clever ones show off if they must but don't 
copy them/us!
Regards from
Tom :)

From: toki <>
Sent: Fri, 4 February, 2011 10:47:13
Subject: Re: [OT]<F6>[libreoffice-users] LibreOffice and OpenOffice

Hash: SHA1

On 02/04/2011 08:17 AM, Ken Springer wrote:

I'm going to write my comments in blue.  

What does blue sound like?

I don't know if the colour will be be retained as the message goes
through the system,

The only safe assumption that can be made, is that most of the content
of a message will be delivered.

Depending upon the recipient's setup, both presentation markup and
content markup can be, and usually is completely obliterated and destroyed.

following commands listed across the top of the reply window:  Code, List,
List=, Img, Table=, Aligntable=, etc.  When you click the button, the
formatting is essentially like using HTML.  I've always believed this just
to be a customized version/offshoot of HTML, if you will, and modified so it
doesn't interfere with regular HTML code.

That is either BBCode, or sanitized HTML. It is used only for
presentation markup. It is not required for content creation.

I've used text smilies for years, yet I still don't know what all of the 
various text smilies or graphical smilies mean.

Currently, seems to be broken.  :(

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