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Hi Drew,

On 14/01/2019 06:40, Drew Jensen wrote:
and I kept at it for a little while,

So a real first draft, I put the two runs one after so the run length went
to 1:13

The sound track is not quite right, some popping with the car engine mix,
but you get the idea.

        Nice =)

What do you think?

        Looks great; we use only real-cores to calculate on[1]; so I'd mention
2 cores - rather than 4 threads. As such we got ~2x as fast with 2 cores ;-)

        Do you have a 4 core machine nearby - or better a 24 one ?

        Lovely video though; I love the raw motorbike-with-hole-in-exhaust
ricer feel =)

        Good stuff,


[1] - hyper-threading is not our friend in the case of some heavy usage
and can make it slower ;-)
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