On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 9:52 PM, Andreas Mantke <maand@gmx.de> wrote:
Hi Marc,
Am Montag, 21. November 2011, 22:06:14 schrieb Marc Paré:
Hi Andreas
Le 2011-11-21 15:12, Andreas Mantke a écrit :
If nobody objects I will start with a new wiki page for the events of
2012. I miss a column for the cfp in the current page and will add that
two the new site.
Good one. I also had this on my to-do list. It would be nice if we could
have something like the sourceforge people who list FOSS events here:
http://sourceforge.net/blog/calendar-of-open-source-software-events/. I
had suggested at one point of combining the sourceforce google calendar
with our own and this would also help us plan for upcoming events. If
you do a search of the marketing/website lists under "calendar" you will
find that there have already been discussions on calendar implementation
either on the wiki or website.
What you suggest would be great, even if it were only a temporary update.
I created the wiki page at https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Events/2012 and filled
in the events for Europe that I always know.
Added those to the calendar on the website and published it (but not
linked in menu)
default view: shows future events, currently max. 10 (can be configured)
Allows to filter by date via the calendar widget at the right or also
via URL, for example to show all events in 2011 use
http://www.libreoffice.org/about-us/events/view/2011 (added the evence
back then when I added the event module to the site)
for all events in February 2012 use
for all events between January 1st and February 29 2012
(you get the idea, you can be precise in the dates, or shorten it to
month or year only, for both simple ones as well as for ranges.
All of the events currently in the calendar are of the simple
"announcement" type, but you can also create Event Pages that have
their own/dedicated page on the website.
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- Re: [libreoffice-marketing] List of Events to attend in 2012 (continued)
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