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Hi Prasanta,

On Tue, Oct 15, 2024 at 11:53 AM Eike Rathke <> wrote:

Q. Which component should be given the most priority (Ascending to
Descending) ?

Your approach of {cui,svx,sw,sc} sounds about right to me, first cui and
svx for most common dialogs and then the applications. Maybe shift
svtools and sfx2 and vcl up in priorities, so
{cui,svx,sfx2,svtools,vcl,sw,sc,sd,chart2,dbaccess,starmath} would cover
the most used core modules.

officecfg contains most of the menu items, button tooltips etc.

-- Any documentation link, I'm giving priority based on the increasing
order of string numbers, as below:

Btw, you can completely ignore dictionaries/*, there's nothing to
translate from other languages' dictionaries.

 dictionaries/* are mainly for the installer (only a few strings to
describe the module).

Probably it's a sane approach to translate UI elements first, which are
usually shorter strings, and leave error messages, long tooltips, Calc
formula descriptions, installer strings, etc. for later.

Best regards,

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