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On Mon, Oct 14, 2024 at 1:28 PM Eike Rathke <> wrote:

Hi Andras,

On Sunday, 2024-10-13 20:20:44 +0200, Andras Timar wrote:

sat-Olck has not been added to LibreOffice source code, yet. The old sat
translation is part of LibreOffice. It is written with Devanagari script.
As far as I'm concerned this translation is not maintained. So the
and easiest for you would be, if you used the sat language code for your
work (unless someone heavily opposes this idea).

Yes, I oppose. Reusing codes is never a good idea and creates confusion,
the more as sat-IN was also usable as document content language tag with
even locale data being available and a plain 'sat' does a fallback to
the sat-IN locale.

OK, let's do what you suggest.

Thank you, Eike!


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