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Hello Martin, *,
On Montag, 31. März 2014 10:06 Martin Srebotnjak wrote:
As far as I can remember, this used to be a text file in old OO.o

do you know, when it was a text file? When I started to help the 
Germanophone (at first with translating licenses to German, later to 
translate documentation) in 2004, it was handled by an external 
company. After starting to report bugs related to errors in the OLH, 
we got a chance to translate it ourselves ... ;) But we never used 
pure text files. IIRC, we got *.po files from SUN to translate it 
offline ... ;)

and I remember localizing it (as one of rare languages that
had it localized). Then someone from OO.o decided it was going to
be included in some other way (and will be made localizable,
again, if I can remember; maybe as a pot file).


Then I forgot all about it. I wonder if my translated txt file is
still somewhere in code repositories.

Maybe. You could grep through the source code to find out, if you 
find some old translations there ... ;)
<Fullquote removed>

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