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2011/12/17 Rimas Kudelis <>

2011.12.17 13:55, Sérgio Marques rašė:

One thing that would also be useful is the ability of ignore accelerators.
 If one wants to find Open and the word is O~pen, the second won´t appear
on the search.

This is definitely annoying and contra producing. This feature is a must
have for search function. What do You guys think about it?

 I think this is already filed as ?

 Hi Rimas
Yes, I´ve already saw this entry but I think that it´s the opposite. The
title says " Ensure that searching in Pootle *takes accelerators into
account" *(my bold)

With this title I guess (don´t know for sure) that the accelerator must be
taken in order to achieve results. What I meant was  " Ensure that
searching in Pootle *don´t* take accelerators into account"

So when I write Open, O~pen; Op~en and Ope~n appear in search. Or am I
getting this the wrong way?

I think that bug is about both: searching with an accelerator ("O~pen")
and finding strings with accelerators when searching without them (your
case). That bug needs some noise though, I guess... :)


You´re probably right. But can You make that noise ;-) ?

I don´t have a locamotion account, so if You could do it I´ll appreciate it.

Thanks and regards

Sérgio Marques

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