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Thank you very much Tor,

Yes, I didn't know the terminology, so I trusted that you would understand :)
It takes over 5 hours to compile on my pc but I have a powerful machine 
with 64 cores and 128 GM ram. I think that will be faster.
I'll try and get back to you. But I still do not know why the extension 
successfully installs on Ubuntu but fails on Debian.

------ Original Message ------
From: "Tor Lillqvist" <>
To: "Ismet Bahadir" <>
Cc: "Stephan Bergmann" <>; "libreoffice-dev" <>
Sent: 12-Jun-20 8:55:57 AM
Subject: Re: Re[2]: Building LO from source

I think it's best to recompile the source from scratch with official DEB
packaging system.
IMHO, as an outsider, only Debian's own way to package LibreOffice can 
be said to be "official". It is *very* different from the way TDF 
packages LibreOffice in the .deb format.
How can I exclude some of the apps such as "Draw"?
Draw (and Writer, Calc, etc) are not "apps" as such IMHO but different 
kinds of documents that the one same app, LibreOffice, manages using 
the same soffice.bin process. But that is just terminology, we know 
what you mean.
Is it possible that
each app has its own DEB installation file so that I won't be installing
it if I skip its DEB file?
That *is* exactly how the real Debian packages for LibreOffice are 
structured. See Also 
many (most?) other Linux distros, like Fedora for instance, split 
LibreOffice into multiple packages, like libreoffice-core, 
libreoffice-writer, libreoffice-calc, libreoffice-draw, etc.
(As such, I don't think that it makes sense to split up LibreOffice 
like that, I find it fairly pointless, old-fashioned and needlessly 
complex, but then I am not a Linux zealot, I like macOS more. But just 
ignore me here.)


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