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Hi Muhammet,

Thanks for getting back to me.

How does it fail?
I don't remember right now since I deleted that virtual machine and
installed Ubuntu Server. But IIRC, it was saying "there were missing
libraries" which I couldn't find and install manually. The "build-deb
libreoffice" command also fails on my Debian-10 virtual machine. It says
"the system requires javahelper" but can't find and install javahelper

Except from the (accidental?) double paste, I see repeating params like '
*--disable-gstreamer*' at 2 different places. And I would make sure I
really need all the '--without-*' and "--disable-*" params. Some might
impact certain functionalities/features or extensions.

TBH, I don't know what those parameters are and do. Those double pastes
were accidental, yes. Actually those parameters were taken from a web site
(don't remember now). It was arguing to create an autogen.input file and
put these lines in the file but there were no explanations.

Is it best to install with all those parameters? What I need to do is

1) I'm editing a hard-coded text in libreoffice/svtools/inc/langtab.hrc file
2) I want LO in Turkish language (found a workaround for this, no need to
use Pottle)
3) I want to be able to install an extension in Calc
4) I want to be able to remove some "apps" (prevent users from using them
since they do not need them at all)

All of the above are working under Ubuntu but extension fails under Debian.
Can't find no reason why.


On Sat, Jun 13, 2020 at 12:15 AM Muhammet Kara <>

Hi Ismet,
On 6/12/20 3:04 PM, Ismet Bahadir wrote:

Thank you everyone,

Sorry for the spam e-mails. I'm trying to get a hold of this. As you
suggested, I installed a new CentOS. This is the os-release result:

NAME="CentOS Linux"
VERSION="8 (Core)"
ID_LIKE="rhel fedora"
PRETTY_NAME="CentOS Linux 8 (Core)"
HOME_URL=""; <>


However, this command fails: "*dnf builddep libreoffice*"

How does it fail?

Is it OK to use Ubuntu? I was able to install all dependencies under

BTW, this is the command I want to use. Is there any oddity?

*./ --with-distro=LibreOfficeLinux --with-package-format=deb
--enable-epm --without-java --disable-postgresql-sdbc --disable-gstreamer
--without-java --disable-postgresql-sdbc --disable-gstreamer
--without-junit --without-help --without-doxygen --disable-odk
--enable-debug --without-krb5 --without-gssapi./
--with-distro=LibreOfficeLinux --with-package-format=deb --enable-epm
--without-java --disable-postgresql-sdbc --disable-gstreamer --without-java
--disable-postgresql-sdbc --disable-gstreamer --without-junit
--without-help --without-doxygen --disable-odk --enable-debug
--without-krb5 --without-gssapi*

Except from the (accidental?) double paste, I see repeating params like '
*--disable-gstreamer*' at 2 different places. And I would make sure I
really need all the '--without-*' and "--disable-*" params. Some might
impact certain functionalities/features or extensions.


------ Original Message ------
From: "Mike Kaganski" <>
To: "Ismet Bahadir" <>; "Stephan Bergmann" <>;
Sent: 12-Jun-20 2:53:42 PM
Subject: Re: Building LO from source

On 12.06.2020 8:40, Ismet Bahadir wrote:

How can I exclude some of the apps such as "Draw"? Is it possible that
each app has its own DEB installation file so that I won't be installing
it if I skip its DEB file? Or, is there a parameter for excluding apps?

We have a concept of "installed" apps - using
SvtModuleOptions::IsModuleInstalled, which is initialized from factory
configurations (SvtModuleOptions_Impl::impl_Read). Likely it only needs
some configuration setting to have all components installed (making sure
that required functionality is there), but disabled on UI level.

Best regards,
Mike Kaganski

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