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On Monday 23 of March 2020, Thorsten Behrens wrote:
Luboš Luňák wrote:
 Replacing one error-prone API with another error-prone API doesn't solve
True. But the basegfx classes are reasonably easy to tweak (and
B2IRect has only few clients).
 I'm confused. I wrote that I find the API bad and that it would probably 
require writing it again from scratch. You call that tweaking?

Perhaps best to let code speak? Happy to continue the bike-shedding on
gerrit (and perhaps lend a hand).
 How is this bike-shedding? Discussing the code will get much harder without 
handling the basic design first.

On Monday 23 of March 2020, Thorsten Behrens wrote:
Luboš Luňák wrote:
[...] simpler to just write the class from scratch rather than try
to be too smart and share the code with tools::Rectangle, but if it
would be in the same header and had pretty much the same API, then
for most practical purposes it would be still part of that
already-existing implementation.
Ugh. Really, at the end of any effort here should be the removal of
tools/gen.hxx. ;)
 That's realistically unlikely to happen in years, and for it to happen there 
actually needs to be any successful effort, which is more likely to happen if 
it's split into smaller more manageable steps.

 Luboš Luňák


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