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Tomaž Vajngerl schrieb am 20-Mar-20 um 18:13:

    Do you know a specific case where that actually matters? My personal
    on integers is "use int, unless you explicitly need something else".

We are dealing with 100th-mm or twip units, which can get quite big (in writer we are always referencing relative from page 1 AFAIK) and could go to use EMU in the future (because it resolves lovely both imperial and metric, so my hope is that we could get rid of MapMode nonsense), so I would go with sal_Int64. Anyway, a compiler / architecture dependent type is the last one I would use.
The problem for huge values is not Writer but Calc. For example, make a 
sheet with row height 10cm on all rows. Insert a shape in A2000 and look 
at the position information in the status bar. (Shapes are anchored to 
page as default). Then insert a shape in A3000 and look again, then in 
A10000. And the sheet goes up to A1048576!
Kind regards


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