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Hi Richard,

On Friday, 2019-04-19 03:32:34 +0100, Richard Wordingham wrote:

In answer to what was intended to be a rhetorical question, I suppose
und-Latn-t-sa-m0-iast and und-Latn-t-sa-m0-iso would work for the
normative forms.

Seem.. at least when entered at in
the Check form it doesn't overly complain.

However, I'd avoid 'und', to me it annotates as "can't determine what
this could be" and in fact it is listed as Undetermined.

Also, my guess is most applications would not support these tags at all.
Of course it depends what you want to use it for, whether it's inhouse
tagging you control the tools used with these tags, or meant for
publicly available classification of languages. Where some
standardization among the parties involved would come handy..

I've successfully loaded a mocked up extension for the
former (as explicitly using a Western script), though I don't much like
the consequent tagging <style:text-properties ... fo:language="und"> in
the document's content.xml.

Yes, that's ugly, but unavoidable. For which sa-Latn would be a better


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